Planting the Seeds of Change Through Drama - A Cognitive and Affective Process Steeped in Being and Becoming

  • 23 Nov 2022
  • 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
  • LASALLE College of the Arts
  • 170


When we engage our students in and through drama, we engage them in fiction and make-believe. The students play with being different characters who are encountering dilemmas, challenges and conflicts, and we challenge them to think critically, reflect analytically, and perform with conviction and commitment in those roles. Heathcote (2013) tells us that this important process of being when we participate in drama freezes a problem in time and provides us with the opportunity to understand and examine it.

In addition, students realise that actions taken within the dramatic context have consequences that require re-action or the need to take up responsibilities, leading to the process of becoming.

This presentation highlights the role drama plays in fostering positive changes in our students as we enable the physical and dialogical space through drama for students to explore, reflect and consider. It discusses the experience of being in a state of metaxis where students oscillate between fiction and reality which has cognitive and affective impacts.

Recommended for:

  • Drama CCA Instructors
  • Drama CCA Teachers-in-charge
  • Arts Educators
  • School Leaders
  • Researchers

Registration starts at 1.15pm.

This session will open with an address by SDEA and a sharing on capability development offerings by LASALLE, and will be followed by a Q&A.

This talk is free with registration. 

About the Speaker

Dr Jennifer Wong Pui Cheng started her career as a secondary school teacher before going to Singapore Polytechnic where she was one of the key members who designed and launched the Diploma in Applied Drama and Psychology. In the National Institute of Education - Nanyang Technological University (NIE-NTU), Singapore, she coordinates the Drama programme in the Visual and Performing Arts Academic Group and she teaches drama education, applied theatre and arts research courses in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Jennifer has been working with children and youth to make theatre outside of educational settings since 2012 and she frequently partners social service agencies and schools to create participatory theatre programmes to complement youth development and support work. Her PhD thesis examined the role of drama in enabling a positive sense of self-efficacy in children.

Level Up! Fest 2022: Symposium for Drama CCA Educators

In partnership with the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) and the LASALLE College of the Arts, SDEA presents Level Up! Fest 2022, a two-day symposium for the Drama CCA Instructors and Teachers-in-charge.

Level Up! Fest is SDEA’s platform to recognise, celebrate, and bring focus to the importance of the professional development of the theatre/drama educator.

This year, Level Up! Fest is specially curated for Drama CCA Instructors and Drama CCA Teachers-in-charge to advance capabilities and develop more holistic Drama CCA experiences for students in today's world.

Gain new knowledge and strategies from nine workshops designed and facilitated by faculty members from NAFA School of Arts Management, Dance & Theatre and LASALLE School of Dance and Theatre. Get inspired by talks conducted by industry leaders. From introductory programmes to in-depth skills development workshops, there is something for everyone!

SDEA Members will be able to enjoy a 20% discount on registration fees as well as apply for the Tina Sergeant Professional Development Initiative (TSPDI) for additional support.

Workshop spaces are limited! Join us in the many opportunities this November for you to Level Up!

SDEA is a Registered Charity from 20 February 2020 and is a recipient of the National Arts Council’s Major Company Scheme
for the period from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2025

Singapore Drama Educators Association is a registered charity (UEN: T02SS0123G) 
90 Goodman Road, Blk B #04-02 Goodman Arts Centre, Singapore 439053
Phone: +65 6345 6997

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