SDEA is hiring!

  • 24 Jun 2022 5:40 PM
    Message # 12827518

    At SDEA, we’re keen to work with capable individuals who are passionate about advancing the profession of the drama/theatre educator and advocating for the practice and value of drama and theatre in performance, education and community. You will be working as part of the Secretariat supporting the volunteer Committee that leads SDEA.

    We're looking for capable individuals to join us for the following available positions :

    1. General Manager

    2. Admin & Finance Manager

    3. Continuing Education and Training (CET) Executive

    The General Manager and Admin & Finance Manager work closely with the volunteer Committee to oversee the organisational development and the growth of SDEA to achieve its mission and vision. Both roles are ideal for someone with management experience and interest in the arts and education and/or someone with administrative and finance experience at a managerial level.

    For the CET Executive role, you will work closely with the CET Manager to implement and carry out the CET-related operations of Singapore Drama Educators Association (SDEA). This position is ideal for someone with experience and an interest in the arts and/or education.

    Find out more about the available positions at

    Last modified: 24 Jun 2022 6:02 PM | Anonymous

SDEA is a Registered Charity from 20 February 2020 and is a recipient of the National Arts Council’s Major Company Scheme
for the period from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2025

Singapore Drama Educators Association is a registered charity (UEN: T02SS0123G) 
90 Goodman Road, Blk B #04-02 Goodman Arts Centre, Singapore 439053
Phone: +65 6345 6997

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